Requirements for registration of published articles
Main text formatting
1. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word and saved in a file, only the extension (.rtf).
2. Page format — A4 (portrait).
4. All margins — 20 mm.
5. Indentation — 1.25 cm
6. Paragraph spacing (before and after) — 0 PT.
7. Font — Times New Roman, regular; size (characters) — 14 PT.
8. Line spacing — one and half (1,5).
9. Automatic hyphenation, with the width of the hyphenation zone is 0.25 cm
10. The page number is located at the bottom from the center.
The volume of the article
From 0.25 to 1.0 copyright (accounting publications) sheet — 10-40 thousand characters (including spaces) to the list of references.
Requirements and structure of published articles
Published in the journal, the article should consist of the following sequence of elements:
1. The index of the universal decimal classification (UDC) — left (no indent), regular font; the UDC should correspond to the theme; if the theme is complex, we used several indexes UDC separated by (:).
2. The header (title) of the article is centered (no indents), in bold capital letters (in Russian); the title of the article should not have hyphens words.
In the title you cannot specify the region (Ulyanovsk region) and time period (for example during 2003-2012) study. This information should be presented in the abstract.
3. Author mark and year of publication — left (no indent).
4. Author’s initials and surname, academic degree, academic title, position — left (no indent), uppercase letters. Initials and surname are shown in bold.
5. Name of institution, city, country — centered (without indents), uppercase letters. The country is written in parentheses.
6. Stepping back one line (indented) abstract (200 words) in Russian language except for the word «abstract.» which is written in italics.
7. Keywords (10 words and phrases in the Russian language — 3-and full lines) font without isolation except for the word «keywords:», which is written in italics. Key words and phrases are listed in alphabetical order.
8. Stepping back one line, is the text of the article.
9. The list of references should be separated by a line from the main text and is written in capital letters with bold highlighting, no point
Literature is issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5.-2008 «Bibliographic reference» they should be attached in the form of footnotes.
References in order of citation in the text, and must contain at least 20 items and each must be referenced in the text indicating the page of the drawing of the text (for example [2, p. 53]). The sequence number of sources must be placed manually.
10. New pages include data points of the article 1-7 in English.
Drawings, diagrams, charts, pictures
Illustrations should be clear and only black and white. The text in the illustrations should be at least 10 point size of the main text. Illustrations will be given a number. (for example: «figure 1 — Structure of the population …». The name of the picture is written in the center (without indentation), normal font and lowercase letters, uppercase except in the first word. Scanned images must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi, with the obligatory indication of the source of borrowing.
The table name is written in the center (without indentation) indicating its sequence number (e.g. «table 1 — Economic efficiency … «. The table name is written in normal font and lowercase letters, uppercase except in the first word.
Simultaneous use of tables and graphs (figures) for the presentation of the same results is not allowed.
The set of equations is carried out only in a text editor Microsoft Equation or Math Type.
Equation numbers cross-cutting, Arabic numerals, right at the end of the string in the parentheses.
The size of the symbols in the formula should be 10 the size of the main text.
The length of the formulas should not exceed 80 mm.
Latin characters are typed in italics, Greek — plain font, Cyrillic is not allowed.
1. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word and saved in a file, only the extension (.rtf).
2. Page format — A4 (portrait).
4. All margins — 20 mm.
5. Indentation — 1.25 cm
6. Paragraph spacing (before and after) — 0 PT.
7. Font — Times New Roman, regular; size (characters) — 12 PT.
8. Line spacing — single (1,0).
9. Automatic hyphenation, with the width of the hyphenation zone is 0.25 cm
10. The page number is located at the bottom from the center.
Requirements and structure the information
1. The title of the article, in English, in capital letters, bold effect, center aligned (no indentation).
2. Miss one line and the title of the article in English — in capital letters, bold effect, center aligned (no indentation).
3. Miss one line, is abstract, in English, the word «abstract.» in italics. Text annotations without isolation. Indentation 1.25 cm width Alignment.
4. Abstract in English the word «Annotation.» in italics. Text annotations — without isolation. Indentation 1.25 cm width Alignment.
5. Miss one line, placed key words in the Russian language — the phrase «Key words» in italics. Key words and phrase — without isolation. Indentation 1.25 cm width Alignment.
6. Key words in English is the word «Keywords» in italics. Key words and phrase — without isolation. Indentation 1.25 cm width Alignment.
7. Miss one line, the Surname the Name the Patronymic of the author (full) — bold is, first letters capitalized. Further down the line, separated by commas academic degree, academic title, position — lower case letters without isolation. The indentation is missing. The left alignment.
8. Address: name of institution, postal code, country, city, street, house. Without indentation. The left alignment.
9. E-mail:). The left alignment.
10. Miss one line, paragraphs 7 to 9 are placed in English.